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Littlemeat Productions Presents


Recordings, glass orbs, speaker, lights, interactive elements 

September 27 - December 8 2024

De La Cruz Collection at Georgetown University Galleries, Washington DC

BElonging is an interactive social practice multimedia installation, collecting recorded stories of belonging told by community members of Georgetown University and Howard University. BElonging is part of Around The Table, curated by Vesela Sretenović for the De La Cruz Collection at Georgetown University Galleries, Washington DC.

Inaugurated during the 2024 US presidential election season, the work aims to pivot from the divisive and charged energy of the time to create a space of reflection and reconciliation. Through the prompt of "tell us a time that someone made you feel that you belonged," the work invites participants and viewers to remember a gesture by someone who reached across an invisible divide to make them feel seen and included.


Strong, beautiful and impactful stories surfaced through the interview and recording process are heard under a sonic glass dome speaker atop a canopy of illuminated crystal orbs and cut paper shapes. Every time someone walks into the installation, the dormant stories come to life, forming a circle of belonging.

"Tell us a time that a kind act made you feel that you belonged..."


To experience the archived stories of belonging online, click on the play button next to the titles below or read the Written Transcripts

1. Valentine Letters
2. Things get lost in translation
3. I don't know what I don't hear
4. Valentine Letters
5. I don't know what I don't hear
6. I don't know what I don't hear
7. Valentine Letters
8. Valentine Letters
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